A Symbol for Gender-Neutral Spaces: The National Queer Organisation of Iceland’s Design Contest

The National Queer Organization of Iceland, in collaboration with Iceland Design and Architecture and the Icelandic Graphic Design Association, has launched a design contest for a symbol that can label gender-neutral spaces including bathrooms, changing rooms, and shower rooms.
Five years ago, the right to gender self-determination became enshrined in Icelandic law. While Iceland remains at the global forefront when it comes to such laws, a well-designed and clear symbol for gender-neutral spaces is still not available. The National Queer Organisation of Iceland regularly receives inquiries from both Icelandic and international companies and institutions in search of such a symbol. Expectations are that the symbol will attract widespread attention and will be distributed internationally.
One prize of 1,000,000.- ISK will be awarded for the winning entry.
Contest Goal
The goal is to create a strong and effective symbol which can be used as signage for gender-neutral spaces, both in Iceland and internationally. It should be scaleable and not restricted to a specific medium (metal, wood, stone, print, etc.).
Judging Criteria
– Overall appearance
– Strength of concept
– Practicality and usability
November 19th // Competition opens on World Toilet Day 2024
January 13 // Closed for initial inquiries
January 17 // Initial inquiries answered
February 3 // Closed for follow-up inquiries
February 10 // Follow-up inquiries answered
March 3rd // Deadline to submit entries
April 3rd // Winner announced at exhibition during DesignMarch 2025
Representing the National Queer Organisation of Iceland
Bjarndís Helga Tómasdóttir, Chair of the National Queer Organization of Iceland
Reyn Alpha, Chair of Trans Iceland
Elías Rúni, Graphic Designer
Representing Iceland Design and Architecture and the Icelandic Graphic Design Association
Hrefna Sigurðardóttir, Graphic Designer, Lecturer at Iceland University of the Arts
Hjalti Karlsson, Graphic Designer, Karlssonwilker NY
Project Manager and Liaison
Gerður Jónsdóttir, Iceland Design and Architecture
Results and Winner
The contest winner will be announced during DesignMarch 2025. Once the jury has officially completed its process, anonymity will be lifted and all participants will be notified of the jury’s decision.
Submission Format and Anonymity
Each entry must be submitted as a one-page, black-and-white, A4-size PDF file, along with a 50–200 word text describing the concept. Submission is via email only to: samkeppni@honnunarmidstod.is
Submissions must be anonymous. Entrant name and details should be written only in the email, but may not appear anywhere on the PDF file.
To maintain eligibility for judging, all entries must be submitted within the deadline and must maintain anonymity.
Inquiries will be accepted, via email to: samkeppni@honnunarmidstod.is.
Terms and Conditions
If the jury deems that no submission meets the judging criteria, they reserve the right to select no winner.
If two or more entrants submit identical entries for the winning design, the jury reserves the right to award the prize jointly to those parties. The decision of the jury is final.
National Queer Organisation of Iceland, Iceland Design and Architecture and the Icelandic Graphic Design Association acquire the right to publish and exhibit all submitted proposals and reserve the right to publicly display all or part of the submitted entries, alongside the names of their designers.
By submitting an entry to the competition, entrants agree to the above information and conditions.
Is this meant to be gender-neutral "as in" for all genders, or gender-neutral "as in non-binary"? (In other words, one space for everyone or three spaces for women, men, and non-binary people?)
Answer: The symbol is intended to work for all genders and to be gender-neutral in that sense – although it is obviously designed to ensure that non-binary people have a space where they feel welcome.
Can one submit as many suggestions as they want?
Answer: Yes, as many suggestions as one wants, but to keep the records organized, it would be very helpful if each suggestion were sent in a separate email, i.e., not three suggestions in one email.