Bags that Carry on

Bags that Carry onis a collaboration between Krónan and DesignMarch where grocery bags from our customers are reused in a new and exciting way. Stúdíó Flétta will collect old grocery bags and use them to design new and interesting bags of good quality.
The reused bags become a sustainable and recycled piece of art and design. The project is in good harmony with the theme of DesignMarch, aiming to encourage recycling, value creation, experimentation and play.
The goal is to draw attention to Krónan’s project, called Take a Bag – Leave a Bag, where customers can bring old bags to the store and take a bag if they forget to bring one themselves. This way, the old bags are brought back into the circular economy for a more effective use. In addition, important resources that are used to produce new bags are saved.
The bags will be exhibited at DesignMarch on May 3rd to 7th, but customers of Krónan might also find them on bag stations at the stores. This sustainable sharing economy that we create together will grow as more customers join in and take part. Krónan’s customers play an important role in the project by remembering their grocery bags and leaving them at the stations in the stores. By doing this, they give other customers a chance to contribute by taking a bag at the stations, instead of buying a disposable bag.

Stúdíó Flétta was founded by Birta Rós Brynjólfsdóttir og Hrefna Sigurðardóttir in 2018. They focus on local production and full utilization of wasted materials. With the reutilization and redesign of old shopping bags, Stúdíó Flétta highlights value creation and the importance of the circular economy. By focusing on the environment, experimentation and joy in the designing process, Stúdíó Flétta has become one of the most noticeable design studios in Iceland.
Krónan takes its role seriously and has taken various steps towards increased sustainability and environmentally friendly operations, with the help of its customers. All Krónan stores have the Nordic Swan Ecolabel and encourage a zero waste lifestyle, offering products without packaging and giving customers the opportunity to recycle packaging before leaving the store.
The collaboration between Krónan and Stúdíó Flétta combines different parties in an exciting and interesting way. Sharing a passion for the environment, Krónan and Stúdíó Flétta both strive to find more ways to reduce waste. DesignMarch provides an ideal platform to put the project into action, raise awareness and encourage customers to participate.