DesignMarch for the family
DesignMarch is just around the corner but the festival will take over Reykjavík from 3rd to 7th May. This year's program contains around 100 exhibitions and 120 events. It's therefore safe to say that everyone should find something of their interest.
Are you looking for family friendly events? Something that suits your children while they get to know the wonders of design? Here are a few events that might be just what you're looking for.
Better City for Children
The show is an interactive experience where guests can have a fun and exciting peek behind Reykjavik City’s curtains at the start of a service transformation journey. Join us and see how challenges have been addressed, how we work to solve them and how we put forth a digital solution that improves the quality of the city’s services to its’ citizens through the project A Better City for Children.
The most adventurous apartment complex in Garðabær has just been created by 4th graders in Garðbær. Now the tiny residents are moving in together on Pallurinn, a small exhibition space at the Museum of Design and Applied Art. A housewarming party will be held on 28th April from 6 - 7:30 PM.
ÞYKJÓ‘S SHELLters serve as sanctuaries for children and their families in a fast-paced world. They are inspired by animals that can retreat into their shells whenever necessary. They provide shelter from the environment while also letting in brightness and offering a view. You can visit the Sea urchin at the New square in Tryggvagata.
Krummi Kids’Club / What’s the weather like?
What’s the weather like? We consider our ever-changing weather, and explore through artistic experiments how light makes colour! And we look at Rúrí’s work of art Glassrain. The Event will take place at the National Gallery of Iceland at Fríkirkjuvegur 7 on Saturday 6th May from 2 to 4 PM.
Invisible Becomes Visible
In Elliðaárstöð, a guided tour will be offered in the new exhibition at the Home of Utilities, where the design team Terta welcomes visitors and tells about the design of the exhibition and the energy that is hidden within the walls and under the floors.
In the Visitor Center of Elliðaárstöð, new educational material will be presented and the importance of design in educational material is highlighted. Families will get the chance to take on a design challenge in a fun and creative workshop related to water. At the outdoor area of Elliðaárstöð guests can experiment hands on and understand science through playing with peculiar circus objects.
ÞYKJÓ opens an exhibition in Gerðarsafn museum showcasing diverse design products of the design team, ranging from costumes to furnitecture to experiential design for children. A family workshop will be held on Saturday 6th May from 11 AM to 1 PM.
The future of the Public Library in Reykjavík
The Central library of Reykjavík is on the eve of total transformation. For DesignMarch 2023 we have prepared a special installation that will give people insight into what is to come. There will be all sorts of different events during DesignMarch including a GIANT chalk workshop for kids on sundau 7thMay from 2 to 4 PM. The workshop will give kids an opportunity to design their won dream library.