Kallað eftir umsóknum um þátttöku í kennararáðstefnu ACSA og EAAE

ACSA, the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture og EAAE, the European Association for Architectural Education kynna þriðju sameiginlegu kennararáðstefnu sína sem haldin er annað hvert ár, en Listaháskóli Íslands hýsir ráðstefnuna í þetta sinn.
Ráðstefnan fer fram dagana 22. – 24. Júní 2023 í Hörpu, Reykjavík. Opið er fyrir umsóknir um þátttöku í ráðstefnunni en umsóknarfrestur er miðvikudagurinn 12. október næst komandi. Hér er hægt að sækja um (https://www.acsa-arch.org/conference/2023-acsa-eaae-teachers-conference/call-for-submissions/ )
Lesið nánar um þema ráðstefnunnar á ensku hér fyrir neðan.
The Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) and the European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE) are pleased to announce the third, biannual joint Teachers Conference being hosted by the Iceland University of the Arts (IUA). The conference will take place June 22-24, 2023, in Reykjavik, Iceland, and will explore the spaces and pedagogies for developing notions of cosmopolitan citizenship. It is driven by the urgent need to clarify the societal mission of architectural education in a time of grand challenges amidst a climate crisis, social inequality, rapid urbanization, pandemics, and wars that operate at a global scale and affect all of us. The conference aims to focus on the capacity of architectural education to respond to these challenges while creating conditions for students and educators to locally engage as active citizens in their communities.
With this call, the joint conference of the North American and European associations for architectural education solicits scholarly presentations for the conference and proceedings. The conference addresses practitioners, academics, and citizens in general with an interest in exploring the present and future societal role of architectural education and invites participants to submit papers or posters reflecting on imagining architects’ societal roles as:
- Dissident Intellectuals
- Ethiclal Professionals
- Engaged Storytellers
Read more about it here: https://www.acsa-arch.org/conference/2023-acsa-eaae-teachers-conference/